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This a page where I, and others will review books, films, TV shows and anything else discovered recently.

If any of you would like to review something on this page, please email me with a short review (roughly 35 words) and I'll try to include it. It can be a review of a film you loved, a book you hated, a new website that you've discovered and want to share with the world, anything!


Directed by part of the team who created "Spaced", Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg, this is an absolutely brilliant film. I saw in the cinema, but now I have it on DVD I can't stop watching it! It's descriced as a "Romantic Comedy....with Zombies", and that pretty much sums it up. It is, in turns, completely hysterical, genuinley frightening, and oddly moving. Plus, where else are you going to see people beating an elderley zombie with pool cues in time to "Don't stop me now" by Queen? The best horror, comedy, or romantic film in AGES!!

"GOOGLEWHACK!" by Dave Gorman.

I read this because it's by the same guy who co-wrote "Are you Dave Gorman?" (obviously - just look at his name...), a book that I found hilarious. This story covers another crazy stunt that Dave got himself into while trying to come up with an idea for a book, that ended up with him travelling all round the world trying to create, and follow a chain of 10 "Googlewhacks". (You'll have to read the book to find out what a "Googlewhack" is). I definitlely missed the imput from "Are you Dave Gormans" co-writer Danny Wallace, and while this book was amusing, I didn't find it as laugh-out-loud as that book, or Danny Wallaces solo effort "Join Me". A good, easy read though nonetheless.

"KILL BILL Vol 2" directed by Quentin Tarantino.

The long awaited sequel to Kill bill Vol 1 (Dur..). I didn't enjoy this film too much at the cinema, although I loved Vol 1 for it's non-stop action, and brilliant fight scenes. I found Vol 2 to be unnecessarily slow and overloaded with exposition and not enough action. After watching it again, I like it a lot better, but I still prefer Vol 1. Vol 2 does have some brilliant moments, like the brutal showdown in a tiny caravan between Uma Thurman's Bride, and Darryl Hannah's Elle Driver, and the claustrophobic buried alive scene. A lot of stuff from the running time could still have been cut out, or trimmed, but it's still a good movie. It's just that Vol 1 was a great one.


I read this as part of my read-as-much-about-Japan-as-possible phase, as I REALLY want to go there. It follows travel writer Will Ferguson, as he, after a drunken bet, decides to hitchhike his way from the south to the north of Japan, following the annual sakura (cherry-blossom) blooming. As in most travel writing, it details the people he meets on the way, and many humourous and not so humourous situations he finds himself in, and also gives an foreigners insight into this still, very private country.

"HOT FUSS" by the Killers

This is my absolute favourite album of the moment, and has been for months. The Killers are a Las Vegas originating band, and the album is full of brilliant lyrics and great tunes. My faves are signiture anthem "Mr Brightside", "Jenny was a friend of mine" and "Indie rock and roll". Buy it or download it. Its fab!

"KABUKI - THE ALCHEMY" by David Mack.
Review to come soon!

I was recommended this by a friend, mainly because it has Bill Bailey in it, who I love from "Spaced", and Dylan Moran, who I love from "Shaun of the Dead". The programme was also co-created and written by Dylan Moran. It follows his character Bernard Black who is the owner of a small second hand bookshop, and a chainsmoking, miserable, antisocial drunkard. Your usual lead character then eh? The dialogue is brilliant, and both Bill Bailey and Dylan Moran are as funny as ever, with great support from Tamsin Greig as Fran, Bernards best friend. Series 1 and 2 are avaliable on DVD and series 3 is coming soon!!