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Hi there!...

Welcome to my little slice of the web. This site is pretty much about anything that takes my fancy (as my nan would say...). On here you will find links to sites I particularly like, drawings and paintings I have done, work by artists that I admire, and lots of embarassing family photo's. Enjoy!

< To the left are all the options for this site. As it is still under construction, some pages are still blank, so bear with me.

Yes, yes, Im trying to convert everyone into a Johnny Depp fan, but just look at some of these beautiful pictures at the site above and tell me you're not in love. Swooon......

If you have any comments about, or idea's relating to this site, please scribble some notes into my guestbook which you can access to the left. If you just want to see what other people have said, click below.

View my guestbook.

Inspired by the fact that my favourite movie is "Labyrinth", I've included this memory game for you guys to play on rainy days, while checking your emails, waiting for the bus etc, (that is, if you happen to drag your PC with you when you catch the bus. I wouldn't recommend it.You end up tripping up a lot of old ladies with the wires on the way. At least, that's what I've heard...) Anyway, just click below.

If pigs might fly, might elephants too?

Like this animation? Check out the link below for loads more.

Animation factory

By the way, the name of my site comes from my love of stories : written, spoken, visual, physical, myths, elaborate compositions, spontaneous yarns, fairytales, anything. Stories are an important part of what makes us human. And all stories are welcome here. :)