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Here are some other sites that I spend far too much time on...


^ Yes that is me......I am in a treehouse, in a commune, in the woods, in Brunswick, in Georgia, in the United States and I am very, VERY cold. Thats all I have to say.

Google Images

Want a picture of a ring tailed lemur? Desperate for a still of the title credits of the smurfs? Have a huge crush on Cliff Richard and want to print off loads of photos of him with which to wallpaper your walls? Well this is the place you'll find them!

Join Me

Site created by Danny Wallce who accidently created a cult one day when he was bored, that has now evolved into the worldwide phenomenon known as the Karma Army! Whether you decide to join up too, or just want to see examples of random acts of kindness achieved by ordinary everyday folk, then check this link out!

Think Labyrinth :the movie

In depth site about my favourite movie ever, "Labyrinth". It has everything a good movie needs : a blue haired worm, a wall of hands, dancing fire spirits, spiteful fairies,songs,  goblins, and David Bowie in a very revealing pair of tights.....

Borders and Books etc

Yes, yes, this is the website for my work place, but I gotta make a living haven't I?

The Daemon Page

Fantastic site about daemons (if you've read Philip Pullmans "His Dark Materials" you'll know what I mean...;) Run by Okibi, the friendliest, most knowledgeable daemon expert around.

Man Without Fear

Yes, Im a comic nerd. The definitive site on the 'net about Marvel's Daredevil. Covers the comics, history of the character, movie and pretty much everything else a DD nut would want. Forget the movie, go check out how cool Daredevil really is.

This is my best friend Jo's website and she's promised me that if I put her site on here she'll buy me a drink. It covers everything you'd want to know about Emma Watson , star of the Harry Potter films and is updated almost daily. Go check it out (and Jo will buy me a beer!! :)).

Bridge to the stars

Contains everything you'd ever need to know about Philip Pullmans "His Dark Materials" trilogy of books, and also discusses the scientific and religious questions posed by them.

The Daemon Forum

So you liked the daemon forum huh? Well get on the forum and let Okibi know! Plus Im always lurking there and am always up for a chat.

Internet Movie Database

The most comprehensive movie information site out there, and a mecca for cinema-nuts like myself. Plus lots of lovely pictures of Johnny Depp. Who could ask for more?

The Leaky Cauldron

Are you a fan of all things Harry and Hogwarts? You are? Well then check out this site. It has up-to-the-minute news about the books, films and cast.

The Daemon Community

Live Journal for the Daemon Community. Go on, you know you want to...

Kabuki fansite

Contains a cover gallery and fanart of David Macks comic series "Kabuki". Also has loads of links to other Kabuki themed sites.