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How to contact me

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Are you so inspired to contact me that you,ve resorted to climbing up on your roof and yelling my name?

Well, theres no need. Simply email me at the link below about anything and I will try and reply (though I do have a full time job, far too many hobbies and a very demanding cat, so please be patient...) If you would like to review a movie, website, album etc, have some news that you must share with the world, have a drawing or poem you would like to post, or anything else random, then you can post in my guestbook by clicking on the link in the menu to the left. 

Please keep it clean though. (You know who I mean!!!!)


He he, Im not THIS bad, but I am a bit of a technophobe...

Email me at the address below :

All random poems, thoughts, scribbles, meaning of life theories, stories, and rants welcome!