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My name is Claire, but I have many nicknames including Maia, Fluffy, Ron, and Pippin. And yes, all of them have long, embarrassing stories behind them. Im 24 years old, but you could say that Im "very in touch with my inner 7 year old", meaning for Christmas my best friend bought me some Spiderman webshooters, and Im still traumatised by Artex the horse drowning in "Neverending Story".

My daemon is an overprotective Red Panda named Mox, or his full name Maddox if Im annoyed with him. (If you don't know what a daemon is, then go check out my links page, and get your butt over to Okibi's Daemon Page!)

 I work as an office supervisor in a large bookshop, which a) is a pretty repetitive and dull job, and b) means Im in heaven 'cause Im surrounded by books all day! (Oh yes, I love books by the way, and I get discount!!).

I live with my family (Mum, Dad and one sister), a hyperactive spaniel who only barks at old ladies (?), and my grumpy, lazy, old, tortoiseshell and white cat Brandy, who must be the most waited-on cat in the history of histories. (If Im reincarnated, I want to come back as her...)

In my spare time I : spend too much time on the internet, go to the cinema, hang out with my friends and spend most of it crying with laughter at our random in-jokes, read loads, take kickboxing lessons, try and learn Japanese, dream about Johnny Depp and Hugh Jackman, take long, luxurious baths filled with Lush products, and generally try to always have a fun time.

So thats me in a nutshell.......   "Help, help! Im in a nutshell!"  (- sorry, 'been watching Austin Powers too much...)

So whats this site all about then Maia?

This site is basically here 'cause Ive always wanted to have a website (gotta live the dream haven't you?), and I had loads of people asking me to post some of my drawings. So, voila! Here we are!

Want to know more about me? Click below to read my Live Journal.

Click below to see loads of gorgeous Red Panda pictures.
Red Panda Genetics

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